Thursday, 28 November 2019

Rev. Oliver DesBordes Acquah on "Revelations"

Rev. Oliver D Acquah in brown suit and white shirt
"As for me, I fear God" This is how he would put it when it comes to "certain issues"
Yeah, I mean certain things, I don't know how to put it without sounding "someway" but that is it.

The man was so careful, he would tell you, "People don't fear God, they easily say, God says..."

He would also add, "these are areas that even angels fear to tread."

This was the man's way of cautioning young ministers who think, they are so powerful they can easily say things and say, "Thus sayest the Lord"

Oliver was too careful. He would rather tell you what has just "dropped into his mind" and then wait for a confirmation. You could say he doesn't see anything, and he would prefer that to try to please the masses by being "prophetic"

Oliver was simply too careful not to put words into the mouth of God.
This is one other trait of him that comes to mind to his memory. 

But you dare not take his caution for granted. Many are the prophetic words that he gave in a rather "unprophetic" way but which came to pass.

Many are the people who would testify to phone calls, warning them of coming incidents.
A gentleman, let us call him, Kwesi, recounted how he got a call from Rev Acquah in the day time asking him not to ride a motorbike, that every evening, he says a friend called for him to accompany him somewhere on a motorbike.

Then he heard his friend had been involved in an accident......
He wondered, "what would have happened to me if I had gone with him?"
"What would have happened if Pastor had not called to warn me?"

Once again, this is part of Eulogizing a man who was father and mentor to many in the Lord.
Rest well, Sir, Your legacy lives on!

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