Saturday, 23 November 2019

Rev Oliver DesBordes Acquah on Othodoxy

"Not everything that people do which works is from God" This is how Rev Acquah put it. He was a man who sort to instill a strict alignment to the scriptures in all that he did.

This is what informed this statement. It was Saturday afternoon, and we were about ending the usual 21 day fasting that preceeded the Christmas. The second major fasting event in the calender of the Full Gospel Assembly International.

In this particular fast, the entire dawn service teachings were focused on Spiritual Warfare, in the evenings, we prayed. He had so taught the church that, there aught to be a shift from prayer that sought to rain fire and brimestone our human enemies.

His reaon was that humans who were evil were like pawns in a chess game, their death will only empower the real personalities behind the scenes.

Debatable as this may seem, his position was that, we aught to stay within the boundaries of the scriptures. He taught about imprecatory prayers and then opened up for questions from the congregation.

So the question came from one of his own leaders about the "akwankyer3" meaning directions that some Prophets give their members in the name of ending certain problems in their live.

A typical one was givnen as an exmple and in answer, he made this statement, "Not everything that people do which works comes from God".

It if wasn't scriptural, he Oliver would not buy it. Othodoxy was such a serious thing to him.
If you came prophesying, it had to align perfectly with the scriptures otherwise, he wasn't going to take it.

In a rather funny way, he once told some leaders in an informal conversation, "people see very scary things in the spirit all the time, but as for me, I don't know why. I don't see anything!"

His policy was thus simple, even if it has to be a direction from God, it must have a good enough scriptural basis, otherwise, it doesn't matter if it worked or not, it should not be allowed into the church of God.

As 2019 rolls on and his fifth anniversary of his departure is remembered by all of this students, this is yet another piece I want to share with you.

If you want to know more about what othodoxy is, reach me.....

Once again, rest well Sir!

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