Saturday, 19 September 2020



It was overwhelming! I have a personal policy to respond to every single birthday message no matter the channel through which it came. And indeed, at a point, I couldn’t match up the frequency!

As for linkedin, I am yet to respond to even one. The love showed is great.

I have a few things on my mind to share with you.

You see, with time, it is increasingly becoming clear that claims of Jesus Christ being a myth, something being trumpeted by CSF leader Avraham is losing its grounds as it is failing to stand the intellectual test.

Well, my write up is not about him, but about us the Church! Members and leaders alike.

The issue is that there isn’t enough intellectual study of our Scriptures. And the writings are on the wall. A day before my birthday, i.e. Thursday September 17, I got a call from a friend who complained bitterly about the fact that some of his friends were losing their grounds in the faith and were beginning to question the authenticity of the Bible. According to him, it wasn’t easy answering their numerous questions, and he was literally begging that something “Apologetic” be done in his city to provide answers that young people have about the Bible, the historicity of Jesus and more.

You see, I have always opined that a time came when people were not satisfied with the “time for prayer” in their denominations. They felt they needed more, the all night services were booming all over the place. It was not uncommon to see many people on the streets on Saturday dawn returning home from deliverance and healing services.

In no time, the era of deliverance gave way to the prophetic nights, people would pray, take their seats and then the “Prophet” would begin to call them one after the order to “prophecy” about them.

Praise God for this omnipresence and omnipotence, the power of God was being displayed. Not too soon, this vacuum for more gave rise to the era of “angels”

Things began to happen.

And I don’t blame the “charlatans” for entering the Church. We did not ground our members enough about exactly what spiritual warfare is! And so "doctrinally" many weren’t prepared!

And with the era of the prophets came the era of “Akwanker3”, to wit, “direction”

All sorts of things were being done in the churches!

Well, my message is simple, this 2020 and beyond eh, it is no more about the display of power, I started trumpeting this not today. It is going to be about providing the answers to the questions that are begging for answers.

How do you understand the Trinity?

Did Jesus ever exist?

Can we trust the Bible?

And many more…..

These all have answers but the answers are not in praying all night.

Of course, prayer is too important and has no substitute. All I am saying is that, it takes more than a devotional study of the Bible to arrive at the answers to these questions and more.

And we better be ready!

Avraham Ben Moshe has not reached the level of “the four horsemen of atheism”

In fact, his intellectual ability to question Christianity hasn’t gotten close to Christian antagonists of the West in any way.

To Pastors, it is time to study more!

To members, it is time to study even more!

I was surprised when during interactions on certain platforms, Christians who have worshiped in huge auditoriums for several years, I mean university graduates on top have no clue what is meant by Hermeunitics! You see, it is time.

On this birthday of mine, like I said on my facebook post, if you are at a place where you are not receiving sound doctrine, please run for your life.

A true believer does not linger under false teachings.

If error is being mixed with truth and sold to you as truth too, that is even more a killer!

Run for your life!

If everyday you are thought about witches and their operations and yet very little is taught you about how our beloved Bible was translated, if you are taught how about the enemy and very little about our saviour, please escape!

Life is short, you wanna serve the Lord in all full capacity! You sure can’t do that with half baked knowledge.

Once again, thanks for the love.


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