This was written by Carl Desmonds, a Senior Colleague in the field of Christian Apologetics.
I just could not read it on his facebook wall and let go.
Enjoy it too!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Charles Spurgeon was one of the greatest preachers of all time. He drew ten thousand people to his London church on a Sunday morning; he lit the fires of the nineteenth-century revival movement, and his sermons and books still influence those in ministry the world over.
From his Little Secret Diary we discover his deep commitment to Christ. At age sixteen he made this entry: 'I vow to glory alone in Jesus and His cross, and to spend my life in the extension of His cause, in whatsoever way He pleases.' Years later he wrote, 'I pray God if I have a drop of blood in my body which is not His, let it bleed away.'
But this same preacher who displayed an unwavering commitment to Christ also lived with great emotional turmoil. 'From boyhood days dreadful moods of depression repeatedly tormented [him],' one biographer wrote.
His despondency forced him to be absent from his pulpit two to three months out of the year. In 1866 he openly shared his struggle with his
congregation: 'I am the subject of depressions of spirit so fearful that
I hope none of you ever get to such extremes of wretchedness as I go
During these depressions, he said, "Every mental and spiritual labor . . . had to be carried on under protest of spirit."
Being a Christian doesn't take away the fact that you are human, God did promise you salvation and not just a safe passage in this earthly realm.
May His arms comfort you as you walk through the challenges of life!!
#ApologeticSummit2020 #Defend
During these depressions, he said, "Every mental and spiritual labor . . . had to be carried on under protest of spirit."
Being a Christian doesn't take away the fact that you are human, God did promise you salvation and not just a safe passage in this earthly realm.
May His arms comfort you as you walk through the challenges of life!!
#ApologeticSummit2020 #Defend
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