Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Spiritism is a system of explanation of phenomena having in common the general belief in the survival of a Spirit after death. In a stricter sense, Spiritism is a doctrine founded upon the existence, manifestations, and teachings of the spirits. Compiled in the 19th century by the French educator Allan Kardec, Spiritism soon spread to other countries, having today 35 representative countries in the International Spiritist Council. Brazil is the country where the most significant number of adherents can be found.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

It has become a very common phenomenon to tune your radio and hear statements such as “This is Nana Obour Mission, tomorrow at 6:00 am meet me at mile 50 with all your problems.” According to the direction of the spirit, I will be attending to 100 people. If you have any sickness and have roamed all hospitals and healing centers, your search is over. Meet me tomorrow and you will be healed. 

If you have been working for years now and have not been making profits, just meet me tomorrow at 06:00 pm and I will walk on the wings of the rainbow, get into the middle of the earth and I will bring you answers that will cause you to begin to prosper straight away”. These are the kinds of statements you will her on our airwaves these days and they are in Akan. 

Thank God for the Prophetic ministry in our country. Before the proliferation of the Prophetic Ministry, prayer camps were what we used to have. 

Some of them used to belong to what was and is still known as “sunsum sore”, to wit, “spiritual church.” These were the genesis of camps. Robert W. Wyllie has done great work on Spiritism in Ghana for those who want to read further.

With time, the Prophetic Ministry gradually moved what we used to know a step further. They have crossed a certain line and that is my concern in this piece. Suddenly, we have a crop of Prophets and Nanas who have inculcated the “mysterious art” which are an abomination unto the lord into their work.

A man of God I had (and still have) much respect for, put my respect for him in limbo when he moved his spiritual “abilities” into the art of solving the mysteries of those who were interested in knowing the cause of death of their deceased. 

With time, those who wanted to “catch up” with this also jumped into the boat. 
As I write, you can hardly tell the difference between what is currently happening and what God has warned his children not to indulge in. You cannot tell the difference between satanic groups and “modern-day prophets”. 

They seem to be performing the same miracles and offering the same services. Dangerously enough, they seem to be preaching the same MESSAGE! I have had a rare privilege of meeting some gentlemen who were on a “mission trip” with their master. Thinking they had found a new disciple, they opened up and gave me several scriptures to back their activities. 

I was told that "in the olden days, angels came to have children with women and their children became "demi-gods" whose way to "enlightenment" is different from ours. I was also told that these people still exist and we have examples in the Bible, Moses is one, Samson is one, Jesus is also one, usually we don’t hear of their fathers, we only read of their mothers; when Samuel passed away, Saul went to inquire from the witch of Endor"

These groups of people are gradually increasing in our country and society, unfortunately; lack of accurate statistics deprives us of their approximate number. Once again, my aim is to refute the argument that these are Biblical and to sound an alarm that if we don’t wake up to what is befalling us, the crave to become “powerful” coupled with the “itching ears” of those who are listening will lead to an ambushment of God’s church. The pressures of the world, as well as the harsh business environment and the need to enjoy wealth, drives most of the members from the pews to these unsuspecting agents of the devil.

To start with, what is being practiced today as contemporary spiritism has been exposed by competent Biblical professionals as fraudulent. Examples are Houdimi and Durnirger (Magic and mystery, New York Weatherwave books, 1967), M. Larmer Keeme (The Psychic Mafia, New York St Martins press 1976): 

Satan is described as a roaring lion who seeks whom “He may devour” 1Peter 5:8, spiritism, therefore, can be compared to counterfeit goods in the market. It is tantamount to consumer fraud and can be equated to biblical heresy. In Exodus, the practice of cultism of magic, sorcery and necromancy was the order of the  Egyptians who used this art to duplicate the miracles of Moses when he appeared before Pharaoh with a divine command Exodus 7:11,22 8:18

The attitude of God toward those who practice the forbidden sin is also clearly outlined in scriptures. The Lord ordered the death penalty for all sorcerers as recorded in Exodus 22:18 and Leviticus 20: 27 to site two specific instances. The old testament also named as those cursed by God people consulting with “familiar spirits” and “wizards” Leviticus 19:31 and 20: 6 in our language demons and mediums. God clearly hates practicing these arts. In Daniel 1:20, 2:2, 27; 4:7 and 5:7, Daniel makes mention of magicians, sorcerers, soothsayers and astrologers whose specialty along with the Chaldeans was in the art of interpreting dreams and visions. 

Prophet Isaiah also speaks of ancient "spiritists" as casting sorceries upon Israel (Isaiah 8: 19, 19:3, 47:9). King Saul before his apostasy under God’s command drove such practitioners from Israel.
(1 Samuel 28:3) as did the righteous Josiah after him (2 Kings 23:24-25). The scriptures bear record that Manasseh’s downfall came about as a result of his delving into spiritism (2 Kings 21:6,2; 2 Chronicles 33:6) and his ensuring the practice of idolatry in defiance of the command of God. The Bible clearly presents a tall résumé of man's forbidden desire to uncover hidden spiritual mysteries of the universe. 

As witchcraft, divination, or enchantments must be employed to further lies unholy quest. Egyptians, Babylonians, Chaldeans and the Caananites, the scriptures tell us all practiced spiritism to the anger of God.

Many have argued that “spiritism” leads to God and one such postulate of this notion is Dr. Macus Baah. This argument again does not stand in the face of scripture. One only needs to take a careful and gradual look at the event in 1 Samuel 28 to learn that king Saul’s encounter with the Witch at Endor was not approved by God. My understanding of the entire show (I stand to be corrected) is  that God interrupted the whole process and shocked the witch by allowing Samuel to appear, depriving the woman of her usual manipulation, counterfeiting of personalities through familiar spirits.

Note that the woman herself described “their work” in verse 9. And for those who fall prey to these lying spirits who parade as “departed spirits,” you are only becoming a victim in the net of an intelligent and cleverly woven scheme of satanic operation. One only needs to READ to know that Moses had a Father called Amram Exodus 6: 20, Samson also had a father called Manoah and he is mentioned several times in Judges 13.

These are not spirit beings as “modern spiritualists” will want us to believe. They are thus not “ascended masters”. They are demons and familiar spirits playing on our ignorance, capturing us into their nets and gradually dragging us into hell. 

In conclusion, the alarm bell is what I would want to sound again that let no one confuse the church. The scripture and the author  (The Holy Spirit) are enough guide for us as we journey through this planet. Don’t go peeping and if your leader starts to peep in order to impress……(Let him be Anathema)!!

Your comments are welcome.
Yours Truely

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